""" Web Crawler
import re
import sys
import time
import math
import urllib2
import urlparse
import optparse
import hashli
from cgi import escape
from traceback import format_exc
from Queue import Queue, Empty as QueueEmpty
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
class Link (object):
def __init__(self, src, dst, link_type):
self.src = src
self.dst = dst
self.link_type = link_type
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.src, self.dst, self.link_type))
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.src == other.src and
self.dst == other.dst and
self.link_type == other.link_type)
def __str__(self):
return self.src + " -> " + self.dst
class Crawler(object):
def __init__(self, root, depth_limit, confine=None, exclude=[], locked=True, filter_seen=True):
self.root = root
self.host = urlparse.urlparse(root)[1]
## Data for filters:
self.depth_limit = depth_limit # Max depth (number of hops from root)
self.locked = locked # Limit search to a single host?
self.confine_prefix=confine # Limit search to this prefix
self.exclude_prefixes=exclude; # URL prefixes NOT to visit
self.urls_seen = set() # Used to avoid putting duplicates in queue
self.urls_remembered = set() # For reporting to user
self.visited_links= set() # Used to avoid re-processing a page
self.links_remembered = set() # For reporting to user
self.num_links = 0 # Links found (and not excluded by filters)
self.num_followed = 0 # Links followed.
# Pre-visit filters: Only visit a URL if it passes these tests
// Out-url filters: When examining a visited page, only process
// links where the target matches these filters.
if filter_seen:
def _pre_visit_url_condense(self, url):
""" Reduce (condense) URLs into some canonical form before
visiting. All occurrences of equivalent URLs are treated as
All this does is strip the \"fragment\" component from URLs,
so that http://foo.com/blah.html\#baz becomes
http://foo.com/blah.html """
base, frag = urlparse.urldefrag(url)
return base
// URL Filtering functions. These all use information from the
// state of the Crawler to evaluate whether a given URL should be
// used in some context. Return value of True indicates that the
// URL should be used.
def _prefix_ok(self, url):
"""Pass if the URL has the correct prefix, or none is specified"""
return (self.confine_prefix is None or
def _exclude_ok(self, url):
"""Pass if the URL does not match any exclude patterns"""
prefixes_ok = [ not url.startswith(p) for p in self.exclude_prefixes]
return all(prefixes_ok)
def _not_visited(self, url):
"""Pass if the URL has not already been visited"""
return (url not in self.visited_links)
def _same_host(self, url):
"""Pass if the URL is on the same host as the root URL"""
host = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1]
return re.match(".*%s" % self.host, host)
except Exception, e:
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: Can't process url '%s' (%s)" % (url, e)
return False
def crawl(self):
""" Main function in the crawling process. Core algorithm is:
q <- starting page
while q not empty:
url <- q.get()
if url is new and suitable:
page <- fetch(url)
q.put(urls found in page)
new and suitable means that we don't re-visit URLs we've seen
already fetched, and user-supplied criteria like maximum
search depth are checked. """
q = Queue()
q.put((self.root, 0))
while not q.empty():
this_url, depth = q.get()
#Non-URL-specific filter: Discard anything over depth limit
if depth > self.depth_limit:
//Apply URL-based filters.
do_not_follow = [f for f in self.pre_visit_filters if not f(this_url)]
#Special-case depth 0 (starting URL)
if depth == 0 and [] != do_not_follow:
print >> sys.stderr, "Whoops! Starting URL %s rejected by the following filters:", do_not_follow
//If no filters failed (that is, all passed), process URL
if [] == do_not_follow:
self.num_followed += 1
page = Fetcher(this_url)
for link_url in [self._pre_visit_url_condense(l) for l in page.out_links()]:
if link_url not in self.urls_seen:
q.put((link_url, depth+1))
do_not_remember = [f for f in self.out_url_filters if not f(link_url)]
if [] == do_not_remember:
self.num_links += 1
link = Link(this_url, link_url, "href")
if link not in self.links_remembered:
except Exception, e:
print >>sys.stderr, "ERROR: Can't process url '%s' (%s)" % (this_url, e)
#print format_exc()
class OpaqueDataException (Exception):
def __init__(self, message, mimetype, url):
Exception.__init__(self, message)
class Fetcher(object):
"""The name Fetcher is a slight misnomer: This class retrieves and interprets web pages."""
def __init__(self, url):
self.url = url
self.out_urls = []
def __getitem__(self, x):
return self.out_urls[x]
def out_links(self):
return self.out_urls
//def _addHeaders(self, request):
// request.add_header("User-Agent", AGENT)
def _open(self):
url = self.url
request = urllib2.Request(url)
handle = urllib2.build_opener()
except IOError:
return None
return (request, handle)
def fetch(self):
request, handle = self._open()
if handle:
if mime_type != "text/html":
raise OpaqueDataException("Not interested in files of type %s" % mime_type,
mime_type, url)
content = unicode(data.read(), "utf-8",
soup = BeautifulSoup(content)
tags = soup('a')
except urllib2.HTTPError, error:
if error.code == 404:
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s -> %s" % (error, error.url)
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % error
tags = []
except urllib2.URLError, error:
print >> sys.stderr, "ERROR: %s" % error
tags = []
except OpaqueDataException, error:
print >>sys.stderr, "Skipping %s, has type %s" % (error.url, error.mimetype)
tags = []
for tag in tags:
href = tag.get("href")
if href is not None:
url = urlparse.urljoin(self.url, escape(href))
if url not in self:
def getLinks(url):
page = Fetcher(url)
"""for i, url in enumerate(page):
print "%d. %s" % (i, url) """
j = 1
for i, url in enumerate(page):
if url.find("http")>=0:
print "%d. %s" % (j, url)
j = j + 1
def parse_options():
"""parse_options() -> opts, args
Parse any command-line options given returning both
the parsed options and arguments.
parser = optparse.OptionParser()
parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet",
action="store_true", default=False, dest="quiet",
help="Enable quiet mode")
parser.add_option("-l", "--links",
action="store_true", default=False, dest="links",
help="Get links for specified url only")
parser.add_option("-d", "--depth",
action="store", type="int", default=30, dest="depth_limit",
help="Maximum depth to traverse")
parser.add_option("-c", "--confine",
action="store", type="string", dest="confine",
help="Confine crawl to specified prefix")
parser.add_option("-x", "--exclude", action="append", type="string",
dest="exclude", default=[], help="Exclude URLs by prefix")
parser.add_option("-L", "--show-links", action="store_true", default=False,
dest="out_links", help="Output links found")
parser.add_option("-u", "--show-urls", action="store_true", default=False,
dest="out_urls", help="Output URLs found")
parser.add_option("-D", "--dot", action="store_true", default=False,
dest="out_dot", help="Output Graphviz dot file")
opts, args = parser.parse_args()
if len(args) < 1:
raise SystemExit, 1
if opts.out_links and opts.out_urls:
parser.error("options -L and -u are mutually exclusive")
return opts, args
class DotWriter:
""" Formats a collection of Link objects as a Graphviz (Dot)
graph. Mostly, this means creating a node for each URL with a
name which Graphviz will accept, and declaring links between those
def __init__ (self):
self.node_alias = {}
def _safe_alias(self, url, silent=False):
"""Translate URLs into unique strings guaranteed to be safe as
node names in the Graphviz language. Currently, that's based
on the md5 digest, in hexadecimal."""
if url in self.node_alias:
return self.node_alias[url]
m = hashlib.md5()
name = "N"+m.hexdigest()
if not silent:
print "\t%s [label=\"%s\"];" % (name, url)
return name
def asDot(self, links):
""" Render a collection of Link objects as a Dot graph"""
print "digraph Crawl {"
print "\t edge [K=0.2, len=0.1];"
for l in links:
print "\t" + self._safe_alias(l.src) + " -> " + self._safe_alias(l.dst) + ";"
print "}"
def main():
opts, args = parse_options()
url = args[0]
if opts.links:
raise SystemExit, 0
depth_limit = opts.depth_limit
sTime = time.time()
print >> sys.stderr, "Crawling %s (Max Depth: %d)" % (url, depth_limit)
crawler = Crawler(url, depth_limit, confine_prefix, exclude)
if opts.out_urls:
print "\n".join(crawler.urls_seen)
if opts.out_links:
print "\n".join([str(l) for l in crawler.links_remembered])
if opts.out_dot:
d = DotWriter()
eTime = time.time()
tTime = eTime - sTime
print >> sys.stderr, "Found: %d" % crawler.num_links
print >> sys.stderr, "Followed: %d" % crawler.num_followed
print >> sys.stderr, "Stats: (%d/s after %0.2fs)" % (
int(math.ceil(float(crawler.num_links) / tTime)), tTime)
if __name__ == "__main__":